Monday, May 22, 2006

Thoughts to Ponder On

1. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
2. Question your goals by asking, "Will this help me become my very best?"
3. Live your life as an exclamation and not as an explanation.
4. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love him for time moves quickly and you may not be able to retrieve it again.
5. Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures all of life's ills.
6. Take charge of your life. Don't let someone else live for you.
7. Be binding than necessary, and forgiving of yourself and others.
8. Have a good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence.
9. Watch out for big problems for they disguise big opportunities.
10. Every person you meet knows something you don't, so listen to what he has to say.

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