Monday, May 22, 2006

Greeting Cards I Received

Without you for a friend, there are so many things I wouldn't have a clue about. Like, how two people with different tastes in a lot of things can someone agree on so much. Like, how it really isn't dumb to cry at sad movies or laugh for no reason at all. Like, how two people who didn't grow up in the same town and didn't go to the same schools and didn't even know each other through all the years they call "formative" could actually wind up being so much like sisters.
(Ate Weng)

Happy Valentine's Day doesn't seem like enough to say to someone who means as much to me as you do… Someone who floats in and out of my thoughts all day long and shows up in my dreams at night… Someone who makes life exciting and unpredictable for me, who talks me into doing crazy things that wouldn't be fun with anyone else. I can't describe the feeling I get when I see you from a distance with that smile of yours on your face. It's part excitement, part anticipation, part nervousness – sort of like a first date… Does that make sense? Anyway, back to this Valentine thing – let me just say I love you… I really do.

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