Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fun Under The Sun

Plan A Picnic.

There’s no better way to enjoy the outdoors than spreading out a picnic blanket and having a feast at the park or in a spacious backyard. Set the date and theme and call up your relatives for their assignments. Utensils, drinks, and easy-to-eat finger foods are a must on your list. Don’t forget your sunglasses.

Get Kitchen-Savvy!

Who says staying indoors is a bore? Cool down by trying out simple recipes for fruit shakes and refrigerated desserts. Get mom or a sibling to help you whip up these dishes in no time! This is also best done on lazy Sundays.

Start A Summer Scrapbook.

Collect mementos from your summer vacation – seashells, theme park passes, luggage stickers, and souvenir photos. Put them together in colorful scrapbook pages, and voila! It’s going to be tough forgetting all about this perfect summer. Enjoy relivinig your sunny memories!


Path2Hope said...

I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog. It always brings a smile to my face but gets my mind thinking also..and that's always a perfect combination.

jessica said...

thanks for that! i really do enjoy the fact that people are finding time to read my blog inspite of having busy lives.

thanks again!